General DofE Information
The DofE website is the primary source for up-to-date DofE advice. The information below was originally copied from there, but may become out-of-date so please visit the DofE website to check. Oxfordshire Open Award accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the guidance given on this page.
The DofE Mission and Guiding Principles
Our Mission
To inspire, guide and support young people in their self-development and recognise their achievements.
Our Guiding Principles
At the DofE we strive to achieve our mission through personal development programmes and the assessment and presentation of Awards.
All our programmes are driven by the following ten guiding principles, which are at the heart of everything we do:
1: Non-competitive
A DofE programme is a personal challenge and not a competition against others. Every participant’s programme is tailor-made to reflect their individual starting point, abilities and interests.
2: Achievable by all
A Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is achievable by any young person who chooses to take up its challenge, regardless of ability, gender, background or location.
3: Voluntary
Whilst DofE programmes may be offered within school, college, work time, custody or extra-curricular activity, young people choose to do a programme and commit some of their free time to undertake their activities.
4: Personal development
A DofE programme inspires personal and social development. The value to young people is dependent on personal commitment, the learning process and the quality of the experience.
5: Personalised
Young people design their own programme, which can be tailored to suit their personal circumstances, choices and local provision. They start at whichever level suits them best and they can take as long as they wish (within the age limits) to achieve an Award.
6: Balanced
Our aim is to ensure that participants experience development of the whole person; mind, body and soul. By undertaking activities focusing on at least four different aspects of development, young people complete a balanced and wide-ranging programme.
7: Progressive
At each level of engagement, a DofE programme demands progressively more time, commitment and responsibility from the participant.
8: Achievement focused
Before starting an activity, young people are encouraged to set their own challenging goals. If they aim for these goals and show improvement they will achieve a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
9: Demand commitment
A DofE programme demands persistence and commitment and cannot be completed with a short burst of enthusiasm. Participants are encouraged to continue with activities and to maintain their interest beyond their programme requirements.
10: Enjoyable
Young people and Leaders should find participation enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding.
A large number of resources relating to eDofE may be downloaded from the DofE website.
eDofE Help Videos
A number of videos have been made by the DofE to help Co-ordinators, Leaders and participants perform various actions within eDofE. These videos are available from the DofE YouTube Channel (click on Videos or Playlists).
Periods of participation within the DofE levels
The following section lists the age requirements and minimum time periods allowed at each level of the DofE. Further details are available from the DofE website.
Remember, you have until your 25th birthday to achieve your DofE Award.
Bronze Award
Participants may start their Bronze DofE programme when they enter the school year in which they turn 14 (this is usually year 9).
You cannot achieve a Bronze Award in less than six months.
Volunteering: 3 months
Physical: 3 months
Skills: 3 months
Expedition: Plan, train for and complete a 2 day, 1 night expedition
Participants must undertake a further 3 months in the Volunteering, Physical or Skills section.
The minimum age to achieve a Bronze Award is no longer 14 years 6 months - an award may be achieved once all the sections have been completed as per the above timescales.
Silver Award
Participants may start their Silver DofE programme when they enter the school year in which they turn 15 (this is usually year 10).
You cannot achieve a Silver Award in less than six months (or 12 months if you have not achieved Bronze first).
Volunteering: 6 months
Physical/Skills: 6 months in one, 3 months in the other
Expedition: Plan, train for and complete a 3 day, 2 night expedition
Direct entrants (those who have not achieved a Bronze Award) must undertake a further six months in the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills section.
The minimum age to achieve a Silver Award is no longer 15 years 6 months - an award may be achieved once all the sections have been completed as per the above timescales.
Gold Award
You may not start your Gold Award until your 16th birthday - no exceptions.
You cannot achieve a Gold Award in less than 12 months (or 18 months if you have not completed Silver).
Volunteering: 12 months
Physical/Skills: 12 months in one, 6 months in the other
Expedition: Plan, train for and complete a 4 day, 3 night expedition
Residential: Undertake a shared activity in a residential setting away from home for 5 days and 4 nights
Direct entrants (those who have not achieved a Silver Award) must undertake a further 6 months in the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills section.
Expedition Aim and Requirements
New Expedition Aim and Requirements came into force from November 2023, superseding the '20 Conditions'.